Videos of our Program Analysis with Datalog seminar have been uploaded on PLAST-lab's YouTube channel.
- general slides
- examples + logic
- cclyzer slides
- Fact Generation slides
- Energy Consumption slides
- DeepDoop slides
- PDG slides
Graph Example
If you are not using the project file, issue the following commands:
bloxbatch -db graph-db -create -overwrite -blocks base
bloxbatch -db graph-db -addBlock -file graph-decls.logic
bloxbatch -db graph-db -execute -file graph-facts.logic
bloxbatch -db graph-db -addBlock -file graph.logic
Otherwise, issue the following commands:
bloxcompiler compileProject graph.project -outDir build
bloxbatch -script
The example we tried with aggregation on the results of an analysis from Doop.
bloxbatch -db last-analysis -query \
'_a(h,v) <- VarPointsTo(_, h, _, v).
_b[v] = cnt <- agg<<cnt = count()>> _a(_, v).
_c[] = m <- agg<<m = max(cnt)>> _b[_] = cnt.
_d(v, cnt) <- _b[v] = cnt, _c[] = cnt.' \
-print _d